Nobel Academy for Science and Technology, USA

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Distance Learning

Who are we?
Nobel Academy is an established provider of distance education and home study correspondence courses based in the US, and with students worldwide.
We are the leaders in professional education distance learning courses, evidenced by our students' post-diploma success.
How do Distance Learning Courses Work?
Our flexible distance learning courses have been specifically designed to give you the convenience of studying from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you.
We are focused on allowing our students to study when and where they like by removing fixed timings and durations.
You can either receive your course materials through the Email system, or you can opt to study online
Conventional paper-based study.
With paper-based study you will be posted your first two lessons, along with one question paper. When you have completed the question paper for the first lesson you can e-mail your answers back to the Academy. Once your personal tutor has received and marked your answers, we post you their feedback along with the next lesson. This process continues until you have completed your course.
Online study through Elearn US.
When you choose to study through Elearn US you can quickly access your course material online and submit all of your question papers to your online tutor using your unique student account. You have access to all of your course materials from the start, and your tutor sends you an e-mail containing your results and feedback.
What are the benefits of Distance Learning with Nobel Academy?
In studying with Nobel, you can be sure of the highest quality of teaching and support. Here are some of the benefits of signing up to one of our home learning courses
Advice and support.
Access a personal tutor who is an experienced professional in their field of study. Your dedicated personal tutor is totally committed to helping you succeed and is always on hand to answer any query you may have, no matter how big or small.
Students also have access to a dedicated and friendly team of administrators and course advisors who offer sound and professional advice.

Assessment procedures.
Be guided through your distance learning course. We use continual assessment, meaning that students submit a question paper to their personal tutor after each lesson. This assessment method ensures that the personal tutor can consistently monitor students’ progress and provide them with assistance throughout the course.
Year-round enrolment
Start at any time. There are no terms, semesters, or specified intake dates for our uniquely flexible distance learning courses.
Association Membership.
Get recognized. On the strength of our distance learning courses and affiliations, students can apply for membership to the various professional association and governing bodies. Our professional association include:
World Association for Distance Education
Our commitment of excellence to you.
Our philosophy of education has been developed to serve a range of objectives. We Endeavour to provide each and every student with the best possible training along with the necessary skills needed to enter, and advance, in their chosen field of study. We aim to provide comprehensive study programmers in all fields of study worldwide. Our study programmers engage the student in well-designed, efficient and productive study in their chosen field. It is our belief that this will facilitate the educational goals of our students and assist them by developing their potential to become accomplished individuals.
We provide a service that reflects consistency in quality and educational excellence through continuous teachers support and guidance. We emphasize a commitment to student satisfaction through an on-going process of education, communication, evaluation and constant improvement. Our courses and support services will exceed both the needs and legitimate expectations of all of our students - guaranteed!